Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Nicki Minaj "Originals" commercial

Nicki Minaj is serving as a BRAND AMBASSADOR for Adidas Originals?? Has anyone seen this commercial that just launched a couple weeks ago featuring Nicki and a wildy awesome pair of Adidas Originals? When I first saw this last week I recall thinking that while I'm not too fond of the girl, she might as well have her picture in the dictionary next to the word 'Original.' Nicki is unique, wild, and all over the media. All personal opinions aside, good thinking Adidas.

Check the full version of the commercial out for yourself!

Below is a closer pic of the Adidas she wore for the shoot. Crazy!



  1. I agree, Nicki Minaj does represent being "Original" I mean her whole music career is built on her originality. Nice job on identifying a great "BRAND AMBASSADOR" for Adidas. Those Kicks do fit her style!!

    Christopher Moore A.K.A ChrisPY MAC

  2. I like this....short but sweet. Nicki is definitely a pinnacle of originality....a great choice for Adidas.
    How has this worked against the backlash of negative press seen lately, such as with your other blog posting regarding Cornell U?

