Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Adidas Eurocamp

Aside from being recognized for it's innovative products, Adidas is also known for hosting it's annual showcase of young international NBA talent at Eurocamp. The best pre-draft players partake in Eurocamp with hopes of becoming those selected in the following NBA draft. The big event is attended by current as well as former NBA players and coaches. Next years three day camp will be held in Treviso, Italy on June 8-10 2013.
 Although this event takes place outside of the United States, I am still eager to learn if the Los Angeles Lakers will take part in drafting any international players. The Lakers drafted Ater Majok  (pronounced Ah-TARE Mah-jook) in 2011 for the 58th overall pick, however the deal wasn't successful. Ever head of Ater Majok? If not, he's an Australian professional basketball player and instead of the Lakers, he played for a team in Slovakia during the 2011-2012 season. The video below features, Ater Majok in action. He's the gentleman in the neon shoes :)
Truly Yours, Nicole S


1 comment:

  1. Didn't know Adidas had a Eurocamp, very cool. I only needed to watch 1:35s of the video to see why your interested in international draft picks.

    Christopher Moore A.K.A ChrisPY MAC
