Monday, November 26, 2012

August 2011 Adidas started a new blog that will gives you a closer view of the inner workings of their marketing projects, daily task, and experiences while working at Adidas. The post that caught my attention was the one that Jan Runau, the chief corporate communication officer wrote about the blog, "This blogs objective is to give you a personal and holistic picture of the company behind the brands." The in-house staff of Adidas from several different departments come together & uploads several post a week on-line; keeping the 'corporate' blog going strong by showing the social aspect to the operations. A way to get to know the athletes is  to connect consumers to the product, Adidas has done just that with letting you get inside the head of gorgeous, talented David Beckham and showing a human aspect to the sport.  I say good luck to them because the social media bug has it"s encouragements that need to be made to stay in touch with reality to the fans who really count. Sandi Jones

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