Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Environmental Strategy 2015

Adidas Group is in the midst of their 5 year environmental strategy that aims to reduce the group's environmental footprint by 15% by 2015. In order to reach this goal they have established targets in key areas such as management, product, process, and support. Their goals include, but are not limited to, saving energy and reducing carbon emissions, reducing waste, and reducing toxicity by the use of less hazardous chemicals. Changes you may (or may not) be noticing in the Adidas product are better cotton, recycled polyester, and no use of glues in the packaging.

Recently, many companies have been choosing to "go green," whether it be by implimenting more environmentally concious processes or by making improvements to their products. I think that although making changes can be costly and time consuming, it is a good investment. Not only is the cause helping the environment, but it also helps the company by gaining respect by consumers and the marketplace.

Does it matter to you whether a company is environmentally friendly? Would being a "green" company make a difference in your purchasing decision?




  1. Going "green" is a great start for any company to reduce their carbon footprint, however I don't believe that Adidas would truly become green entirely. This could be a strategy to attract more ecologically friendly consumers, who haven't seen the sneaker giant in a manner as such. It could be a great campaign.

    -Moses Feliz

  2. I believe that it is great what Adidas is doing to help the environment!

    many more companies should follow their foot steps.

    Not only is this helping mother earth, but also giving Adidas a good brand image among their consumers.

    - fernando Navarrete
